About Me

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Bronx, NY, United States
undecided party; enjoys playing rugby, reading, sleeping, eating, shopping online, clubbing, meeting new people. allergies -soymilk (just recently) -dogs -people diagnosed with bi-polarity -itchy underwear

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Gotta Find Peace of Mind

I'm currently at the library, writing a paper for my English professor that is due at midnight. For some reason, I can't concentrate; so I'm telling you what is on my mind. I missed my counseling session today. I called twice before informing the receptionist that I would have to reschedule. She didn't have a problem and in the back of her mind was probably thinking "okay, as long as you don't slit your wrist, have a wonderful weekend :) And just to put it out there, I don't have a cutting problem. Anyways, I slept longer than I expected which signals depression or just oversleeping. But seeing how my days have gone, I would say it's depression. I woke up and felt the urge to listen to Lauryn Hill's "When it hurts so bad" and I don't know why I've been listening to ballads for the past week now. I mean I'm 300 and something odd miles away from home, live on my own, free to do whatever I want, while getting an education...this is what I wanted RIGHT?

I have been doing horribly at attending daily practices and am thinking about quitting the team. Even though, it isn't varsity I wanted to be on a team for it's support, sportmanship and physical fitness. I just don't think right now is a good time to be one of the players. I don't know where I'll go from here since I already missed the mandatory meeting but I'll keep you updated on that.

Ughhh, I had my italian 101 BEGINNERS class today which I was not looking forward too and adding to the optismism I received a C+ on my composition. I told Brielynn about it, who is taking spanish 201 and she told me that her professor doesn't even give her class compositions to write. Now I'm thinking Why the hell am I getting one? On top of that I have a test next friday and all the homework assignments are due next Thursday. No seriously you should see these homework practices, we have a workbook and lab section to complete for one chapter (keep in mind that chapter 4 is 20 textbook pages long). This is just to much for me to handle, I thought learning a new language would be fun but I guess I shouldn't have expected less being that it is taught in an american university and not in Italy itself, which would've made the course more interesting because you're actually in the enviroment.

Moving on, I missed tutoring yesterday because I wanted to read up on some Mass Media which I definitely didn't read and comprehend instead skimmed and took two 4 question quizzes online. I need to get my life together.

When it Hurts so Bad- Lauryn Hill